League tables


As a sport, nosework is suitable for any dog and handler to excel and we wanted to celebrate the wide varity of breeds that compete so have created league tables to reflect that.

Our league tables are important to us as it helps us celebrate the huge range of dogs that currently excel in the sport and gives teams something different to aim for. As a starting point, we’ve taken our information from the breed categorisation set by the UK Kennel Club. We do have breeds and types that are not yet recognised by the KC so these are categorised as AVNSC (Any variety not separately classified). AVNSC is for all unrecognised single breeds, along with types (eg lurchers) and any mixed breeds or unknown background. NB: If your dog is registered on the KC Activity register, that does not impact our leagues. For example, a Border Collie on the activity register with the KC will still compete in the Pastoral League, not AVNSC. We will review our categorisation annually.

* Every result will be added to the league tables but teams will be required to have competed at a minimum of 3 trials over a 12 month period to qualify for the annual presentations.

Entry & Above Team of the Year

HandlerDogBreedBreed CategoryPoints
Katherine MiellHestonDalmationUtility39
Julie FletcherLolaGSDPastoral36
Pauline WhittakerHopeBCPastoral27
Dolores PalmerGypsyBCPastoral24
Hazel KembleSorrelHungarian VizslaGundog24
Jane HansonFreddiewhippet/poodleCross / AVNSC22
Carine RiesCharliecrossCross / AVNSC21
Pauline WhittakerTessaBorder ColliePastoral21
Rachel WelchGwenLabrador x retrieverCross / AVNSC21
Sarah StontonJackNorwegian BuhundPastoral21
Gail VoyleBraithGSDPastoral20
Karen GriggsAgathaGRGundog20
Gill TwiggMontyLabGundog19
Lisa BodmanLawrieGSDPastoral19
Pippa BentahmBeckyBorder ColliePastoral19
Sue WillsBellaLagottoGundog18
Teresa Soman OliveLabradorGundog16
Virginia Garner RichardsonJasmineLabradorGundog16
Katie WestonNellieBCPastoral15
Nikki JamesCaraBCPastoral15
anita hillierLaceyLabradorGundog12
Becky MooreMorseSBTTerrier12
Bobbie OsborneBellaSpringer spanielGundog12
Chris GregoryJubblyGolden RetrieverGundog12
Emma ConliskRupertCocker spanielGundog12
Jackie PywellJessieLabradorGundog12
Jill ClinchBryceCross BreedCross / AVNSC12
Karen GriggsEdithG RetGundog12
Rachel WelchBrambleLabradorGundog12
Sue WhiteHippieBCPastoral12
Marney WellsChutneySBTTerrier10
Debbie WatersDylanPointerGundog9
Jen SmithBasilLagottoGundog9
Joanna MackenzieWyvisESSGundog9
Jodie DarvillJiveCockapooCross / AVNSC9
Margaret DeucharTimeNORWEGIAN BUHUNDPastoral9
Melinda NeedhamSatchmoCrossCross / AVNSC9
Ros KellowChrisan ClarezaWeimeranerGundog9
Sue StandfordRosaCrossbreedCross / AVNSC9
Teresa MillsKolaSWDGundog7
Barbara DarvillTyngCockapooCross / AVNSC6
Bridget FrancisSalvoBCPastoral6
Carole HarrisOlafShitzuUtility6
Diane SmithJunoWCSGundog6
Elaine JubbPipCollie/spaniel crossCross / AVNSC6
Fiona SomervilleSageWeimeranerGundog6
Helen KennedyPrestonCross BreedCross / AVNSC6
Jo TippettTaffyWelsh springer spanielGundog6
Kathy KillickFinnBorder ColliePastoral6
Kirsty CorsarRevelLabGundog6
Liz SnowOzzyCocker SpanielGundog6
Luisa FrenchSkyeGLPGundog6
Melanie GobleRowanWCSGundog6
Rebecca SymondsShadowLabGundog6
Sarah ConnattyPrinceCirneco dell EtnaHound6
Sophia PollockflintKelpieCross / AVNSC6
Theresia PiggottTrixGSDPastoral6
Vee Garner RichardsonMurphyLabGundog6
Zita PolgarAshaSBTTerrier6
Dawn MottBrambleBearded collie x poodleCross / AVNSC4
Deborah FriarWhitneyX BreedCross / AVNSC4
Helen SargentSakerGSDPastoral4
Kate BettsPipLabradorGundog4
Helen AllisonNoodleCrossbreedCross / AVNSC3
Kelly WilliamsonRosieSBTTerrier3
Peter TuckMinnieCrossbreedCross / AVNSC3
Rebecca GrantMarvelCrossbreedCross / AVNSC3
Ruth PaytonFudgeBorder ColliePastoral3
Clare EyreLunacrossCross / AVNSC2
Clare SalterXenaSBTTerrier2
Joanne BoyneSnowieBCPastoral2
Jules WheelerFergieChiToy2
Mary WardPaddyWCSGundog2
Rachel PatersonWizardX BreedCross / AVNSC2
Rebecca CranhamRooLabGundog2
Rosemary SteenHarleyPetit Basset Griffon VendéenHound2
Rosie ReidTideKelpieCross / AVNSC2
Sue HowarthMollieBCPastoral2IrisWCSGundog40
Tracy KingMorrisStabyhounCross / AVNSC2
pyreanean sheepdogPastoral22
Entry & Above Team of the Year results table

Hound League

Handler DogBreedPoints
Sarah ConnattyPrinceCirneco dell Etna6
Rosemary SteenHarleyPetit Basset Griffon Vendéen2
Hound League results table

Working League

Working League results table

Terrier League

Becky MooreMorseSBT12
Marney WellsChutneySBT10
Zita PolgarAshaSBT6
Kelly WilliamsonRosieSBT3
Clare SalterXenaSBT2
Terrier League results table

Gundog League

Handler DogBreedPoints
Hazel KembleSorrelHungarian Vizsla24
Karen GriggsAgathaGR20
Gill TwiggMontyLab19
Sue WillsBellaLagotto18
Teresa Soman OliveLabrador16
Virginia Garner RichardsonJasmineLabrador16
anita hillierLaceyLabrador12
Bobbie OsborneBellaSpringer spaniel12
Chris GregoryJubblyGolden Retriever12
Emma ConliskRupertCocker spaniel12
Jackie PywellJessieLabrador12
Karen GriggsEdithG Ret12
Rachel WelchBrambleLabrador12
Debbie WatersDylanPointer9
Jen SmithBasilLagotto9
Joanna MackenzieWyvisESS9
Ros KellowChrisan ClarezaWeimeraner9
Teresa MillsKolaSWD7
Diane SmithJunoWCS6
Fiona SomervilleSageWeimeraner6
Jo TippettTaffyWelsh springer spaniel6
Kirsty CorsarRevelLab6
Liz SnowOzzyCocker Spaniel6
Luisa FrenchSkyeGLP6
Melanie GobleRowanWCS6
Rebecca SymondsShadowLab6
Vee Garner RichardsonMurphyLab6
Kate BettsPipLabrador4
Mary WardPaddyWCS2
Rebecca CranhamRooLab2
Gundog League results table

Pastoral League

Handler DogBreedPoints
Julie FletcherLolaGSD36
Pauline WhittakerHopeBC27
Dolores PalmerGypsyBC24
Pauline WhittakerTessaBorder Collie21
Sarah StontonJackNorwegian Buhund21
Gail VoyleBraithGSD20
Lisa BodmanLawrieGSD19
Pippa BentahmBeckyBorder Collie19
Katie WestonNellieBC15
Nikki JamesCaraBC15
Sue WhiteHippieBC12
Margaret DeucharTimeNORWEGIAN BUHUND9
Bridget FrancisSalvoBC6
Kathy KillickFinnBorder Collie6
Theresia PiggottTrixGSD6
Helen SargentSakerGSD4
Ruth PaytonFudgeBorder Collie3
Joanne BoyneSnowieBC2
Sue HowarthMollieBC2
Pastoral League results table

Utility League

Handler DogBreedPoints
Katherine MiellHestonDalmation39
Carole HarrisOlafShitzu6
Utility League results table

Toy League

Handler DogBreedPoints
Jules WheelerFergieChi2
Toy League results table


Handler DogBreedPoints
Jane HansonFreddiewhippet/poodle22
Carine RiesCharliecross21
Rachel WelchGwenLabrador x retriever21
Jill ClinchBryceCross Breed12
Jodie DarvillJiveCockapoo9
Melinda NeedhamSatchmoCross9
Sue StandfordRosaCrossbreed9
Barbara DarvillTyngCockapoo6
Elaine JubbPipCollie/spaniel cross6
Helen KennedyPrestonCross Breed6
Sophia PollockflintKelpie6
Dawn MottBrambleBearded collie x poodle4
Deborah FriarWhitneyX Breed4
Helen AllisonNoodleCrossbreed3
Peter TuckMinnieCrossbreed3
Rebecca GrantMarvelCrossbreed3
Clare EyreLunacross2
Rachel PatersonWizardX Breed2
Rosie ReidTideKelpie2
Tracy KingMorrisStabyhoun2
Cross breed League results table

Young handler

Handler DogBreedBreed CategoryPointsAge
Young handler results table

Synergy Awards Entry & Above

Handler DogBreedBreed CategoryAwards
Sue WillsBellaLagottoGundog1
Katherine MiellHestonDalmationUtility1
Karen GriggsAgathaGRGundog1
Gill TwiggMontyLabGundog1
Melinda NeedhamSatchmoCrossCross / AVNSC1
Pauline WhittakerHopeBCPastoral1
Lisa BodmanLawrieGSDPastoral1
Bridget FrancisSalvoBCPastoral1
Synergy Awards results table

Foundation & Pre-Entry Team of the Year

HandlerDogBreedBreed CategoryPoints
Julie NelsonRiccoLagottoGundog45
Nikki BarberHenryLabradorGundog31
Hannah PatersonZoomJack RussellTerrier29
Carolyn RobertsonMacFlat CoatGundog26
Emma RabbettsBaileySpringerGundog25
Bella ScottEltonCocker SpanielGundog23
Claire BonarRolyCross GSDCross / AVNSC21
Jan MartinOnyxBorder colliePastoral21
Julia CieslakSiennacrossCross / AVNSC21
Kirsty CorsarZestWeimeranerGundog21
Paula GeeringIndyWorking cockerGundog21
Pauline WhittakerMossBorder ColliePastoral20
Denise PetherickDillKorthals GriffonGundog19
Janet PainsummerGSDPastoral19
Lynne BromleyPipMiniature poodleUtility19
Melanie CargillMonkeyWCSGundog19
Pat WillsJackCocker spanielGundog18
Sandra FraserJuraWorking CockerGundog18
Claire MeadowcroftDylanFlat Coat RetrieverGundog17
Janet RiddenDylanCocker spanielGundog17
Maggie WallaceLunaIrish SetterGundog17
Roz MacleanBaxterWCSGundog17
Sally HammondMiloGolden RetrieverGundog17
Sam DrapperBlueBCPastoral17
Sara DaviesGreggWelsh CollieCross / AVNSC17
Tracey OccleshawTwigletx breedCross / AVNSC17
Avril GreengrassGertieCrossbreedCross / AVNSC16
Laura wardNeoBorder colliePastoral16
Jackie BrearleyFudgeWCSGundog14
Jane PotterCandyBCPastoral14
Lindsey JelfsSullyWCSGundog14
Mandy HuntMacBorder ColliePastoral14
Mel WillowsTillyLab x CollieCross / AVNSC14
Rebecca GrantPixieVizslaGundog14
Elaine CosgroveDenverBorder ColliePastoral13
Helena GriffithStormLab x SpringerCross / AVNSC13
Natasha LeeWilsonCockapooCross / AVNSC13
Pauline HighamOscarCocker x SpringerCross / AVNSC13
Catherine UnstedRufusLabradorGundog12
Judy HowardMerlinXCross / AVNSC12
Mary WardBonnieWCSGundog12
Melanie CargillPigeonWCSGundog12
Samantha LoweOliveBoxerWorking12
Ammy CalsbeekMontyFlatcoat RetGundog11
Christine CumminsTeaselGSDPastoral11
Lorna CastleLottiegolden retrieverGundog11
Penny LoosleyDemiLabradorGundog11
Sue ThorpeBreeLabradorGundog11
Zoe WitmoreNovaWCSGundog11
Emma TaricKlausDobermanWorking10
Lauren FraserAmberSpanielGundog10
Lisa SpringgayRoloShow CSGundog10
Megan McLeodRileyParson Russell TerrierTerrier10
Hayley WoodleyBrodieWorking Cocker SpanielGundog9
Angela BendallImpeyWelsh SheepdogCross / AVNSC7
Debbie KeoghLeoCkr SpGundog7
Elizabeth EwartMartyWCSGundog7
Frankie Hamilton JonesOrlaghCurly Coat RetrieverGundog7
Kealy ThomasSunnyRottieWorking7
Alison TaylorRekaWH VizlaGundog6
Anne CooganRemiBCPastoral6
Anne VellenowethRalphmin dachshundHound6
Beth ReesMiloCrossbreedCross / AVNSC6
Cath LumleyLinkBoston terrierTerrier6
Debbie CulleyChaseCocker spanielGundog6
Jill ClinchPhoebeCrossCross / AVNSC6
Lilla ImperialeRemiLabradorGundog6
Lynda BowersMicaBelgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)Pastoral6
Nina MacleanLyllaWCSGundog6
Sarah WitkinMidgeWCSGundog6
Suzanne BrooksDyfiLab x CollieCross / AVNSC6
Holly HarrisArloESSGundog5
Beth HarperFinnBorder ColliePastoral4
Brenda WoodMorseLabradorGundog4
Charlotte WoodMontyLabGundog4
Chris ReaOliveLabradorGundog4
Cottia HowardMabelCockapooCross / AVNSC4
Elizabeth AlberyMollyCollie x HuntawayCross / AVNSC4
Elizabeth PhillipsL'automnebeauceronPastoral4
Ellen MonaghanRolySp SpanielGundog4
Emma CookeOakleyJack Russel TerrierTerrier4
Erika NewtonDashCocker SpanielGundog4
Helen AllisonYogiCross BreedCross / AVNSC4
Jeff SamuelsVitaPointerGundog4
Jessica SebrightScoutAus. LabradoodleCross / AVNSC4
Jill BarkerBasilLabradorGundog4
Kaye GordonFudgeLabradorGundog4
Kayleigh MackenzieRiverNSDTRGundog4
Laura McWhinnieBorisBritnayGundog4
Libby AlberyMollycolliePastoral4
Linda GiddyPegCrossbreedCross / AVNSC4
Lindsey EvansReefColliePastoral4
Louise NicholsonBillyLabradorGundog4
Lynda MitchellIzzyBorder colliePastoral4
Lynette BlackwellSimba TJGSD x huskyCross / AVNSC4
Melanie GobleVesperWCSGundog4
Michelle GladdingNovaWCSGundog4
Nicola ThomasRalphXCross / AVNSC4
Pam PopeFlossiCocker SpanielGundog4
Rachael FoxEsmeMixed BreedCross / AVNSC4
Rebecca SymondsMacAustralian Cattle dogPastoral4
Rose-Marie AndersonHarleyBeagleHound4
Sally BarnabyBubblesBeardie XCross / AVNSC4
Sam RoostLunaChihuahuaToy4
Shirley RowleyKizzieBorder ColliePastoral4
Sue GouldbourneSproutJRTTerrier4
Sue CroftKukkiFinnish lapphundPastoral4
Sue KingMaySprocker SpanielCross / AVNSC4
Sue McNaughtonHalleCrossCross / AVNSC4
Tricia BakerRedLabradorGundog4
Zoe GibbBarkleyLabGundog4
Carol HowardTobyBorder ColliePastoral2
Carolyn BryantRosieWest Highland TerrierTerrier2
Emma NashParkerCatahoulaCross / AVNSC2
Georgina HollandFinleycocker spanielGundog2
Helen KennedyAmberCrossCross / AVNSC2
helena JoyceToffyLurcherCross / AVNSC2
Jim GordonSlinkymini-dachHound2
Rebecca WilsonRogerShow cockerGundog2
Ros WestonSkyeVizslaGundog2
Sarah ColeChiefBorder ColliePastoral2
Susan DorwardMiloSpanielGundog2
Victoria AndrewsZivaLabGundog2

Synergy - Foundation & Pre-Entry

Handler NameDogs nameBreedAwards
Lindsey JelfsSullyWCS1
Rebecca WilsonRogerShow cocker1
Cottia HowardMabelCockapoo1
Julia CieslakSiennaPointer Cross1
Megan McLoudRileyJack Russell1
Maggie WallaceLunaIrish Setter1

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